Thursday, September 13, 2012

Jehovah Jireh: God Our Provider

God continues to remind me that He is the One in control of the Hope Hill Orphanage Project, not me. Whenever I begin to doubt His provision, He sends me another reminder as if to slap me on the wrist and say “Excuse me? I AM GOD!!! I will take care of this!”
Last weekend, I was beginning to wonder if I was going to get a response from the letters I had sent out. I kept thinking of the $70,000 and what a big number it appears to be. We returned home from a trip to Pennsylvania late Sunday evening. As I was going through the stack of mail, I found a letter from a good family friend. I opened the letter to find a note of encouragement and support.
I looked at the sponsorship card, and did a double-take when I saw the amount of money this person had given as a one-time gift. I quickly pulled out the check to look at the amount again. I was floored. This person had given a HUGE donation to the project that I was not expecting at all! God once again proved that He is the One who will provide for the orphans in Haiti, not Bianca. I’m just one of the tools He has chosen to use.
Every day I am awed by the fact that He has chosen me to do this. Sometimes I ask “Why me?” I will never have the answer to that question. Some days that “Why me?” is more of a complaint. This project is overwhelming for a girl who hasn’t even graduated from high school yet. Other days that “Why me?” is more of a realization that I don’t deserve this. Out of all the 6+ billion people in the world, He gave this burden to me. He bestowed His saving grace on me when I had rejected Him. I don’t deserve any of the blessings He has given me. The responsibility of this project is great, but the privilege of being used by God is even greater. I’m so thankful that He is Jehovah Jireh, God our Provider! He is sovereign and in control of everything. Beni swa Letènèl!

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