Thursday, January 10, 2013

"Do Hard Things" Quote

For the past 4 years in a row, the first book of the year I read is “Do Hard Things” by Alex and Brett Harris. This year I have found a LOT of encouragement in reading the book because of the changes God is working in my life. This quote stood really out to me when I read it:

“We aren’t called to be successful all the time. We’re called to be faithful, to take those first difficult steps—and to leave the results up to God.”

During the birth of the Hope Hill Orphanage Project, I had a lot of fear of failure and what others would think of me. But God showed me that I needed to rid myself of that pride and be faithful to what He had called me to do: surrender to His plan for my life and serve the children of Haiti. Ultimately it doesn’t matter whether I fail or succeed; God’s plan will ALWAYS prevail. I am simply blessed to be a part of what He is doing in the country of Haiti. I’m not called to know all the answers; I’m called to obey.

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